I know it might a challenge for pet owners to find a purebred kitty cat. For instance to find a purebred cat, you may start with the Cat Fancier’s Association. In addition the CFA was created to maintain breed standards and to register litters as purebreds. Besides the association holds cat shows and judges them based on how close to the standards. Above all else they recognize only 41 breeds of cats.

I know the breeder registers a litter of kittens with the Cat Fancier’s Association. In addition they have the option of deciding whether or not to allow the kitten to be bred. Besides only cats with a pin number on their registration forms will be eligible to have their kittens registered. I know this allows the feline breeders to continue to better their breeds. Therefore once the litter is registered, each kitten will need to be individually registered by its owner.

Firstly there are three categories of recognized cats. Therefore they are the championship class, the provisional class, and miscellaneous class. I know each bred that the CFA recognizes is in one of these groups. In addition they must win first place in their kitten breed before they can compete for best in show.

For instance the championship class are those cats who are established cat breeds. I know the breeds in the provisional class have been more recently established. In addition they are still being watched to insure that they conform to the new breed standard. Besides the miscellaneous class is still having a breed standard and cannot compete for the best in show. I know it supports original breed standard and does not uphold current trends that exaggerate breed characteristics I know it might a challenge for feline owners to find a purebred kitty cat.

Find a Purebred Kitty Cat