I know some pet owners might struggle with Getting Kittens To Trust You. For example you should be aware that kittens can climb into small spaces. In addition they should be in the room by themselves with no other pets. I would say start them off in a cat cage with enough room for them to run around. For instance put a box in the pet cage to allow them to go into if they need security. Besides the kitten crate can be partly covered with a blanket or towel to help them feel safer.

I know the kitten is a small animal and you need to act according to the animal world. In addition this means that you should not stare at the kitten. Besides staring is predatory behavior and will scare your kitten. For example when you look at it, make sure you blink a lot and turn your head. I would practice trying to touch the kitty after it has been in the pet kennel a couple of days. If it is not receptive to your hand right away, try using something else to rub their cat fur.

Best of all after the kitten starts letting you touch it you can start to let it run around the room. I would take the litter box out of the pet cages now and put the cat food at opposite sides of the room. Above all else do not spray perfume near the litter box. I would start playing with them by using cat toys they like such as newspaper balls and string toys. I know this play time will turn into them looking forward to your return to play with them. Therefore Getting Kitten To Trust You and touch it occasionally and pet them during play time.

Getting Kitten To Trust You