I know Training Your Dogs To Sit can be a little challenging at first but very rewarding in the end. In training of sitting up is one of the first pet tricks to teach and forms the groundwork. For instance to train a dog to sit up, prepare some pet treats as a reward. I would set your puppy on his haunches in a corner. For example so that he cannot fall either backward or sideways and has little or no space.

I know by keeping the puppy pitching forward by holding hand under chin. In addition with the other hand hold the pet treats above his nose and keep repeating. Most importantly and distinctly and deliberately say, “sit up.” I would not make the canine sit up too long at any one time. For example repeat the lesson frequently and reward the pet often with plentiful of praise and dog treats.

I know during all these lessons the words “sit up” have been impressed upon canines mind by frequent repetition. For instance now comes the final lesson to teach him to sit up as soon as he hears the words. I would say the puppy has been diligently drilled, it will be necessary only to call and show pet treat. For example hold it up a suitable distance from the floor, say “sit up” and he will do so. Best of all the canine should be given the dog treat while still in position.

Most importantly the only necessity is to practice several times a day until Training Your Dog To Sit is automatic. For instance will the puppy sit up at the word and without being shown a reward. I would reward your puppy dog a treat and be given to the canine after he has obeyed.

Training Your Dogs To Sit