It has been said that cats can crave ice cream during warmer months. Who said that ice cream was just for humans—or unhealthy. For instance cat friendly ice cream will help any feline beat the heat. It’s perfectly fine to spoil your four-legged furry feline during the summer. For example, goat yogurt, blueberries & banana mixed for a summertime treat for kittens. I would recommend making this cat ice cream extra special with your kitty’s favorite topping. Most importantly you can look for variations to this blueberry banana ice cream for felines. In addition, fruits aren’t a natural component of your pet obligate carnivore diet.


Can Cats Crave Ice Cream


Best of all a treat in the form of cat-friendly fruits is okay now and again. It has been said that some fruits even pack a punch in nutrients. Most feline vets recommend staying clear of all citrus, grapes, raisins, & currents. Additionally, too much sugar too often can be unhealthy for cats. If your kitten is begging for ice cream often, try a veggie-forward alternative. For instance, on hot days in summer, pet owners often find their kitties lounging in the sun. I have seen my kitties can be found soaking up as much warmth as possible. Most importantly kittens can’t cool themselves as easily we humans can.

For example, they require access to a shaded, well-ventilated area with access to clean water. In addition to providing these essentials, there are other ways you can help keep your kitty cool. Best of all frozen cat treats are easy to make at home and convenient to keep on hand. I know for a fact when the temperature starts to climb, I must keep them cool. The best ingredients for frozen cat ice cream treats make them tasty craving cooling snacks in the hot summer months.